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​Our efforts in Vietnam

Vietnam has favorable climatic conditions for tea cultivation, and tea is grown in 35 of the country's 63 provinces and cities. There are several types of tea in Vietnam, including green tea, black tea, and jasmine tea. Green tea is the most popular beverage in the capital, Hanoi, and is enjoyed by all generations and genders. Japanese-style green tea is also attracting attention, and some areas have introduced Japanese tea-producing machines to make high-quality tea.     

Grinding process with the Japanese standards

​The grinder used to produce matcha is a high-performance machine made in Japan that we exported.

​Green tea manufacturer

Powdered green tea conveying equipment. Our Japanese staff will visit the local factory to install the green tea production machinery under our arrangement.

​Traning for management of Green tea estate

We will carefully support the cultivation and manufacturing of Japanese tea until our customers are able to operate their own business.

Introduction of shading method for matcha

The shading tea process, which is essential for the production of matcha, is also carried out on the site. We believe that the production of value-added products is essential to the promotion of local industry.


​Strawberry cultivation support

In order to produce Japanese-quality strawberries locally, it was essential to introduce Japanese-style cultivation methods in the local market.

By reviewing soil preparation and providing technical support tailored to local climatic conditions, we were able to successfully commercialize the project.

By introducing Japanese fertilization and pest control technology, we have succeeded in stabilizing the production of high-quality Japanese style strawberries.

Strawberries produced in Vietnam

In order to add value, we are also starting to produce white strawberries.

Production of white strawberries

​TV programs aired locally in Vietnam

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